LCD Projector Loan
Three LCD projectors are available for loan to members and to schools that have current PACT members on staff. The projectors must be collected in person, and a nominal donation is required. See Instructions and Projector Loan Form. Easels are also available for use with staff training.
The projectors are housed at the location below:
Silver Spring Nursery School
10309 New Hampshire Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20903
Contact: Scott Mitchell
The MD/DC Directors' Group
The Directors' Group meets monthly during the school year at rotating Preschools. Meetings are typically held from 1 to 3 PM. Bring a bag lunch; dessert and drinks will be provided by the host school. To join the Directors' Google group, send an e-mail to James Scott Mitchell.
Job Postings
check back later
Directors wishing to post job openings in the field of early childhood education in the Washington, DC area should e-mail details to Meredith Savage-Myers
Schools and organizations may advertise events on this site. Please e-mail details to Meredith Savage-Myers
Training Opportunities
Schools and organizations may advertise training courses on this site. Please e-mail details to Meredith Savage-Myers
Links to Early Childhood Education Resources
The following resource links are provided for members’ information, but are not endorsed by PACT.
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Maryland Association for the Education of Young Children
Maryland State Department of Education, Office of Child Care
Child Care Center Licensing Manual
Montgomery Child Care Association Training Institute
Montgomery College School of Education
Montgomery County Child Care Resource & Referral Center
Northern Virginia Association for the Education of Young Children
National Association for the Education of Young Children
North American Reggio Emilia Alliance